Custom orthotics
Proper foot functioning allows us to move freely without pain or dysfunction. Effective walking, running, dancing and jumping all depend on the proper foot biomechanics. Our practitioners prescribe custom orthotics after a thorough assessment and gait analysis. We use The Footmaxx System for fabrication of our orthotics.
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Call us to book for an assessment! All practitioners provide orthotic assessment.
Let us help you maximize your power and efficiency and reduce pain.
Foot biomechanics
Foot biomechanics is the study of the relationship of the foot to the lower leg. During walking and other movements the musculoskeletal system can generate a lot of force. Good mechanical functioning depends on many muscles and tissues of the foot.
The health of your body rests on your feet
Pain and disorders that can be addressed through prescription orthotics include:
- lower back pain
- piriformis syndrome
- patello-femoral syndrome
- shin splints
- achilles tendonitis
- heel spur syndrome
- bunions
How we do it
We use a computerized dynamic weight bearing gait analysis. It is a state of the art technology that allows static and dynamic computer analysis of the foot and lower extremity. The Metascan plate provides detailed and precise information on function and movement patterns. Lastly, the orthotics are manufactured by 3Dmaxx Metascan or Foam Casts.
Sport specific
There are eleven sport specific Footmaxx orthotics available:
- cross trainer
- basketball
- golf
- cycling
- marathoner
- soccer
- baseball
- hockey
- football
- ski
- tennis